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Tag David Moody


Synchronic movie
The BENSON and MOORHEAD films appeal to me because they do what I love most – drop ordinary folk into extraordinary situations.

Passion Play

The August 12STORIES entry is called PASSION PLAY, and the idea was triggered after reminiscing about TALES OF THE UNEXPECTED.

My digital shadow

The original version of djmoody.co.uk
I know you’re sick of hearing me say this, but I have a huge project on the horizon that, if it comes to fruition, will change everything.


A scene from ARCHIVE (2020)
My 99th film recommendation on this site is ARCHIVE (2020) - a really interesting science-fiction film with an incredible aesthetic.

Direct Infected Books eBooks

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You can now buy eBook versions of my INFECTED BOOKS titles direct. They're the same as the versions you get elsewhere, but cheaper.