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Tag David Moody

My digital shadow

The original version of djmoody.co.uk
I know you’re sick of hearing me say this, but I have a huge project on the horizon that, if it comes to fruition, will change everything.


A scene from ARCHIVE (2020)
My 99th film recommendation on this site is ARCHIVE (2020) - a really interesting science-fiction film with an incredible aesthetic.

Direct Infected Books eBooks

Infected Books logo
You can now buy eBook versions of my INFECTED BOOKS titles direct. They're the same as the versions you get elsewhere, but cheaper.

Plans for Autumn

Autumn: The Human Condition by David Moody
Last week saw the 10th anniversary of AUTUMN: THE HUMAN CONDITION, a collection that brought together around forty AUTUMN short stories.

I’m Sorry

12STORIES by David Moody
I'm sorry. I couldn't get a story written in time for June. I promised to post something every single month this year. I owe you an apology.