I've been thinking a lot about HATER recently. 20 years ago, the premise of the novel seemed preposterous. Not so much anymore.
You'd be forgiven for thinking I'm the world's biggest pessimist. I'm really not, but I do like to dwell on thoughts of things going wrong.
When I'm close to finishing a draft of a book I tend to ignore everything else that needs to be done and focus on it 100%.
Personal posts are few and far between here, but I couldn't let the events of last week pass without a mention.
I know you’re sick of hearing me say this, but I have a huge project on the horizon that, if it comes to fruition, will change everything.
Another 12 months packed with enough chaos, confusion, cruelty, and crap to put dystopian writers like me out of business.
I recently posted about having too many ideas and not enough time. I'm not the only one who struggles with my inspiration-to-output ratio.
A rare personal post from me. Something wonderful happened a week ago today – my second granddaughter was born.
Thanks to all of you who got in touch following the sudden death of my mum last month. I've really appreciated all your comments.
AUTUMN: INFERNO was released a week ago, but I've barely been online and I've not promoted it at all. I wanted to explain why.