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Subscribers also get access to KEMBERTON – a brand new novel that I’m serialising as I write it. New chapters will be added regularly.

Kemberton is a lovely lad, but he’s misunderstood. He’s nine years old, and those nine years haven’t been easy. He’s had to deal with more than his fair share of grief, and it has taken its toll. Life moves on, but Kemberton’s struggling to keep up. The gulf between him and everyone else is widening. He’s in danger of falling through the gap.

Aiden – Kemberton’s step-dad – is playing with fire. He’s involved in things he really has no business messing with. It’ll all probably work out fine, but if things do go wrong, they’re going to really go wrong. Aiden can’t afford for there to be any complications, and Kemberton’s unpredictability is proving to be a concern.

The connections in this family are being stretched to breaking point, and it’s only a matter of time before someone does something really stupid. Who will it be? What will be the cost? And how far will they have to go to put things right again?

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