Same content really, just given a fresh coat of paint and a better address in readiness for the new books (and more regular updates) which will soon be forthcoming. I thought I’d take this opportunity to let you know how the new novels stand…
Is with a crack team of beta-readers, who are currently beta-reading. I’m nervously awaiting their feedback…
I’m well into the second draft, and on course to have this new version of my debut novel ready for January 2014 (terrifyingly, that’ll be twenty years since I started work on the original book).
Revamped, revitalised, and ready to start rewriting. The target is to have the book finished by the end of October.
I always find it difficult to keep this site updated over the summer. I have a large family, and with the kids on holiday from school and university, finding time to work becomes frustratingly hard. Writing has to take precedence, so the website and Facebook, Twitter etc. inevitably suffer. The girls are all just about back studying now, so expect to hear from me more regularly again.
One final thing for now… the AUTUMN: AFTERMATH hardcover I mentioned in my last post. If you’re at all interested in getting hold of a copy of this, please let me know by filling in this short form so I can assess numbers. See this earlier blog post for more information. If you could do it by this time next week I’d be hugely grateful. I’ll level with you – it’s touch and go as to whether the book’s viable with the numbers I’ve got so far.
Thanks as always for sticking with me. Please keep doing so. Some good stuff on its way very soon…!