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Category News

Getting in the holiday spirit

The Last Big Thing by David Moody
The novel is a speedy downhill slalom race to the final war. There’s no air to breathe, every page is crisp and determined.

Enjoying/enduring Chokehold?

The Final War by David Moody banner
Well the new book has been out a few days and, as I expected, it's polarising opinion (as have the other books in the series, to be fair).

RIP Kindle Matchbook

The Last Big Thing by David Moody
Amazon's Matchbook allowed readers to get heavily discounted or free versions of the print books they bought from the site.

Little Monster

Little Monster by James Plumb
A quick post to let you know that James Plumb's terrific movie LITTLE MONSTER is now available on Amazon in the UK.

End of the world preparations

Chokehold by David Moody (Thomas Dunne Books, 2019)
Although CHOKEHOLD is the final book in THE FINAL WAR series, it also serves as a sequel to both DOG BLOOD and ALL ROADS END HERE.

Immortalised in Lego

A Lego mini-figure of author David Moody
Thanks to my friend RICHARD BANNISTER of RICHBRIX for immortalising me in Lego. Isn't he (aren't I) cool?!

The Bleed

The Bleed by Moody, Philbrook, and Tufo
Introducing THE BLEED - a brand new apocalypse coming later this year from myself, MARK TUFO and CHRIS PHILBROOK.

Reviews and interviews

Chokehold by David Moody (Thomas Dunne Books, 2019)
CHOKEHOLD was never going to be a jumping-on point for the casual HATER series reader - Publishers Weekly have had their say.

Radio Silence

Chokehold manuscript by David Moody
I get very jittery when I don't post here for a while (I worry you'll forget about me!) so this is me coming up for air to say a brief hello.