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Category Books

Happy New Year

Autumn: The City by David Moody (Gollancz, 2011)
Happy New Year to everyone here, on Facebook, Twitter, and everywhere else this blog gets syndicated. I hope you all enjoyed the holidays.

Happy Holidays!

Sock-shaped packets of blood on a drip
Thanks to everyone who has supported me over the last few years, and also those who've discovered my books more recently.

AUTUMN is here!

US cover of AUTUMN by David Moody
After four sequels, half a million free downloads, a movie and a free audio adaptation, AUTUMN is getting a mainstream release.


Todeshunger - German language edition of Dog Blood
This week sees the release of TODESHUNGER - the German language edition of DOG BLOOD - from Goldmann.

Autumn Signings

UK cover of AUTUMN by David Moody
It's less than a month now until AUTUMN is re-released in the US and UK. I'm pleased to announce that a few UK signings are being arranged.