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Civil War

Alex Garland's Civil War
All credit to ALEX GARLAND for creating an intelligent, thought-provoking movie that steers a path through today's political chaos.

Exhibit A

Exhibit A
I'm sure you've seen your fair share of found footage movies. When they're done right, they can be extremely effective. Case in point, EXHIBIT A.


Aftermath movie
AFTERMATH has all the trappings of your typical low-budget movie, yet there’s something about its grim outlook that sucks you in.

I am Legend

I am Legend by Richard Matheson
Do a straw poll of horror authors and ask them to name the single piece of fiction which influenced them, and many will cite I AM LEGEND.

The Day After

The DVD cover of THE DAY AFTER
Late-1983 – a pre-Internet world where news comes almost entirely from the papers and scheduled bulletins, where info isn’t available on tap.