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Look into the face of the monster

I am working hard to become a bona fide creature of horror. The picture below, ladies and gentleman, is a genuine attempt at a smile. I have developed Bell’s Palsy, and half of my face is currently paralysed. Like a half-hearted version of Two-Face from Batman, I can currently only raise one eyebrow and smile with half my mouth, but I can fix you with a hell of a withering stare from my (genuinely) unblinking left eye. I look an absolute bloody fright. Perfect horror movie fodder.

David Moody suffering with Bell's Palsy

I’m currently in the middle of writing and planning and editing so haven’t had much to post about for a couple of weeks. I thought I’d take a moment to a). remind you all I’m still alive, and b). give you opportunity to laugh at my (hopefully temporarily) distorted mush. If the books dry up, I could always run away and join a freak show.

Genuine updates and announcements coming soon.