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Tex Montana Will Survive!

You might remember me waxing lyrical about a superb indie zombie film from a couple of years back called THE BATTERY. It was an excellent example of how low budgets and limited resources are no obstacle to success if you’ve got a strong vision and are dedicated to your project. THE BATTERY was an extremely original movie, and it looks like the film-makers’ next release – TEX MONTANA WILL SURVIVE! – is going to be equally inventive.

There’s a Kickstarter campaign running throughout February, and I urge you to support it. Not least because this is a campaign with a HUGE difference. The film is complete, already in the can, and the team behind it intend to use their crowdfunding campaign to release it FOR FREE, WORLDWIDE, as soon as the campaign ends (27 days and counting). As someone whose career was launched by giving their work away for free (if you’re late to the party, the first AUTUMN novel was available as a free download in the early 2000’s), I completely appreciate how big a deal this is for Jeremy Gardner, Christian Stella, and Adam Cronheim. Please view the Kickstarter video I’ve embedded here, check out the campaign, and pledge your support.