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Out and About

A quick post to comment on one excellent event and for some last minute publicity for another. Last weekend I was at ALT.FICTION – a great writing event held in Leicester. On Saturday I took part in a panel discussing adaptations of books, films, comics, games etc. into different formats, and on Sunday I was there for another MAMMOTH BOOK OF BODY HORROR panel along with the book’s editors PAUL KANE and MARIE O’REGAN, and fellow contributors SIMON CLARK and CONRAD WILLIAMS.

David Moody, Simon Clark, Conrad Williams, Paul Kane and Marie O'Regan - photo courtesy of Paul Kane

Myself, Simon Clark, Conrad Williams, Paul Kane and Marie O’Regan (photo courtesy of Paul Kane)

It was great to meet GRAHAM JOYCE too, and to be there for the premier of BLACK DUST – an excellent short movie based on one of his stories. Thanks to everyone who supported the weekend and to the organisers for having me.

I know I’m leaving this next bit late, but don’t forget that I’ll be at Waterstones in Cardiff tomorrow, signing with WAYNE SIMMONS. Wayne’s launching his new novel DOLL PARTS – the sequel to DROP DEAD GORGEOUS. Please come along if you’re in the area. We’ll be there from 12:30pm onwards.

I hope not to leave it another two weeks before posting again. With a little luck I’ll be back in a few days to let you know what I’m working on now that the HATER and AUTUMN books are done and dusted. There’s some good stuff coming…